Tuesday, November 21, 2006

George and me

This is George. Hes my Flyball toy... i covet him.

Im only allowed to play with him if i jump over all the jumps in class and dont drop the ball. Sigh. Believe me, its a lot harder than it sounds.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Summer of Digit

Man oh man have i been busy lately! I havent had a chance to post! Here are some updates:

1. I passed my obedience class!

Okay okay, I dont know how to sit. Its not that important...and sometimes its okay that i dont want to lie down when im told. Its not my fault-- how am i supposed to know that 'lie down' means that im supposed to lie down?

I get to start flyball soon...that will be fun!

See? Im concentrating!

2. I went camping

It was okay. Im still not sure of the whole outdoors thing. And then my people got all drunk and wanted to take me swimming. Uhhhh, hellll-ooo! I dont swim. Water is not fun. ( I did kinda like chasing rocks on the shore, though)

Me roughing it...sorta.

3. Bongo came to visit

I liked her being here-- she looked just like me! And the best part is that whenever she didnt finish her food, i was able to get a little more.

Seeing double?

Thats all for now!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Sleeping on Jerseys

Did you know that almost anything left on the floor long enough can become a dog bed? Its true!

I was eyeballing these for quite some time before I had a chance to push them into a comfy little nest. They kinda smelled funky, though.

Toni's visit

This is my 'cousin' Toni-- she came to visit last week. She sure has a lot of energy...and likes to bark. I sure didnt like that she can jump up on the bed and sleep up there.

Why are you following me?

Monday, March 27, 2006

Houndz in tha Hood

Oh my god! They killed Kenny! You Bastard!

No...its not Kenny from South Park, its me, Digit! This is me in my new coat and snood.

At first I wasnt too sure about it, I mean its a nice red color...the same shade as Jer's team Canada jersey...but I like living fast and loose and I was worried that it would constrict me from doing my regular Digit activities [ y'know, sleeping, eating, shaking...]

But I guess its okay...in fact...mmmm. Its kinda toasty

The walls are closing in on me!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Holy Dog Biscuits!

Its Bat-Dog! The newest crime fighter! (-- assuming that the crime involves water bottles or mittens or stuffed animals)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Busy boy!

Sorry I havent posted lately...ive been really busy.

Me and Juicy are now going to Petcetera at 3120-27 St. NE, Calgary every Saturday from 12 to 3 so Juicy can meet people who may want to adopt greyhounds and I can have people pet me, feed me, and tell me how wonderful I am. Its great.

Im there with Cruzor, who is a bit smaller than me, and likes to lay down a lot...but i guess he's okay. His Mom likes to give me cookies.

Im starting training soon. I dont know why... Im perfect already. Here are some pics of me playing with some of my fave things:

My Tiger

My ball [thats Juicy on the right...she always tries to take it away from me]

And bottles! Im really good at finding them...usually they are hiding in Gym bags

Hey Leggo! I got it first!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Digi says Relax

Its true. I have no shame. But who needs shame when you're this relaxed!